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Department of education <br> 
of akimat Beckaragai district <br>

Department of education
of akimat Beckaragai district

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Information about the work of the

There are 26 educational organizations in the district, including: 21 schools, 1 state and 2 private preschool institutions, 1- “School of Arts” and 1- “House of Creativity”. The total number of school students for the 2021-2022 academic year is 2906 students.
In all educational institutions, in compliance with all anti-epidemiological measures, training is conducted in an offline format.In the current academic year, taking into account the existing experience in general education institutions, comprehensive measures have been taken.
At the entrance and exit of students to the building of educational organizations, a daily morning filter is carried out by medical workers of all school employees and students (thermometry with a non-contact thermometer, hand treatment with an antiseptic at the entrance to the building). Schools have “Ashyq” applications installed at the entrance to check education staff.For daily temperature measurement, detection of symptoms of diseases, isolation, there are medical offices and isolators.
For teachers and students, the mask mode is preserved. Airing, wet cleaning, quartzing and disinfection of the premises of educational institutions are carried out daily.
There is still a requirement for parents to accompany children before entering school. To ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety in educational institutions, disinfecting sanitizers, elbow dispensers, thermal imagers, footwear disinfection mats, quartz-halogen lamps were purchased and reusable masks in the amount of 1300 pieces were sewn by the house of creativity.For the 2020-2021 academic year, the quality of knowledge of students in the district was 68.4%. This figure is 1.6% higher than in the previous academic year. For the 2019-2020 academic year, the quality of students' knowledge was 66.8%.
For this 2021-2022 academic year, a plan has been set for the quality of students' knowledge of at least 70% in our district.
This year, the total number of school graduates was 168 students, of which 142 graduates took part in the UNT, the percentage of participation was 85%.As a result of the final certification, 22 graduates received a certificate "Altyn belgi" and 10 graduates received a certificate with honors.
The average UNT score in the district was 84.5 points, which is 12.2 points higher than last year's (2020 - 72.3 points).
Of the 168 graduates of the 11th grade, 115 children entered the universities, of which 5 children were enrolled in foreign universities (50-grant, 55-at the p.o.), 57-children at the TVE (33-gr, 24-pl.o) , i.e. all graduates are 100% employed. Of the 239 graduates on the basis of the 9th grade, 98 children entered colleges (76-gr., 22-on the basis of the square). The rest 141 children continue their education in the district schools.FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE 2021-2022 ACADEMIC YEAR


Copyright © 2016, Education Department of Akimat of Beskaragai district